Our Story

We planted our first garden in 2006 when we made our home in Lewisburg, WV. Using a borrowed tiller, gifted seeds and plants (some of which we still use), and almost no knowledge, we began cultivating a love for growing food. We spent the next 4 years soaking up all the knowledge we could from the old-timers who had been growing for generations. They taught us to care fro the soil, how to choose quality varieties, and also how to preserve and enjoy the food we grew. 

In 2012, we moved to Springfield, Missouri, and met our eventual farm mentors and friends, Curtis & Sarah Millsap and their family, from Millsap Farm. We joined their farm CSA program, and as part of that program, began volunteering. It didn’t take long before we were spending more time on their farm, working and volunteering more, eventually becoming a farm intern, and overall just loving our time spent there. We were impressed enough with the life that vegetable farming offered them that we decided it was the direction we wanted for our own family. 

So, in 2016, we began looking for property back home in Southeast Ohio. We settled on 5 acres in Albany, Ohio, and began Blaney Family Farm in February 2019. 
